Three Simple Steps

Step 1 - Select Your Charity

Your Charity

Step 2 - Post Us Your Ink Cartridges

Post Us Your
Ink Cartridges

Step 3 - We Send Money To Your Charity

We Send Money
To Your Charity

Find Your Nearest Collection Point
154,558 Donators And
Fundraisers Registered
£2,002,015 Raised for
Charities And Good Causes
399,964kg Waste Kept
Out Of Landfill Sites

Ink Cartridge Donation Value


How it works

Proud to help raise funds for

Inkjet Recycling for 7th Medway Towns (Allhallows) Scout Group - C151973 Inkjet Recycling for Ellon and District Men's Shed - C139575 Inkjet Recycling for Dalgety Bay Primary School - C63047 Inkjet Recycling for Camp Amazing - C55071 Inkjet Recycling for Penny Lane Development Trust-C159162 Inkjet Recycling for Churchill Forge Trust - C150398
Inkjet Recycling for UPRAWR  mental health foundation - C93566 Inkjet Recycling for monmouthshire county citizens advice bureau - C74666 Inkjet Recycling for St Faith and St Laurence Brownies & Guides - C142735 Inkjet Recycling for Axis Foundation - C140615 Inkjet Recycling for Sedbergh Youth & Community Centre-C36208 Inkjet Recycling for Cats Protection - Lincoln - C136615
Inkjet Recycling for Fairfield Halls-C31464 Inkjet Recycling for Cats Protection - Cardiff - C136576 Inkjet Recycling for Basingstoke Hockey Club - C86687 Inkjet Recycling for The Leicester Bach Choir - C159945 Inkjet Recycling for OPAL Services (Rural West Cheshire) - C151242 Inkjet Recycling for Read easy South Dorset - C152113
Inkjet Recycling for Isle of Wight Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus - C112217 Inkjet Recycling for AIME - Aid In Medicare & Education - C75309 Inkjet Recycling for B@titude - C148206 Inkjet Recycling for FITCAP CIC-C43863 Inkjet Recycling for World Challenge Borneo 2024 -Phoebe Chiwambo - C143406 Inkjet Recycling for Essex Wildlife Trust-C33150
Inkjet Recycling for Retina UK-C4360 Inkjet Recycling for VERITY PCOS - C112991 Inkjet Recycling for Bridgnorth Rowing Club-C36505 Inkjet Recycling for Weybridge United Reformed Church - C58963 Inkjet Recycling for East Durham Veterans Trust - C156260 Inkjet Recycling for Devon Association of UBAKA UK - C95757
Inkjet Recycling for Lifecentre - C93332 Inkjet Recycling for The Rotary Club of Braids Charitable Trust Fund - C57909 Inkjet Recycling for Arcville playgroup - C79443 Inkjet Recycling for Richmond Hill Primary - C135088 Inkjet Recycling for Brighton Early Music Festival - C47753 Inkjet Recycling for Bobath Childrens Therapy Centre Wales-C645

About Us

Recycle4Charity is a free and accessible used ink cartridge programme, that helps its thousands of members raise funds for charity and non-for-profit organisations.

Since our launch in 2002, we have developed strong relationships globally with buyers of used ink cartridges, allowing us to compile and maintain one of the broadest and stable ink cartridge wanted lists in the market.

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about recycle4charity - ink cartridge recycling